"We had to pull you away from the mashed potatoes when you were a baby" As my Mom's quote shows, I loved to eat from the start. At times that was good (when I was trying to gain weight for football) and at other...
Read MoreI am completely fascinated by the psychology of positive human behavior. Today, I was chatting with Richard, our 96-year-old client who served the country as a Marine during WWII. I casually asked him what time he goes to bed at night...basically, just to make...
Read MoreThis might be the most common question personal trainers get. My answer: You can't get rid of fat around your stomach by doing ab exercises alone (what is called "spot reduction") because your body doesn't work that way. If you reduce your calorie intake...
Read MoreEvery story, article, etc. we read about nutrition seems to at least imply "there is only one way." Haven't we all heard a co-worker say: "My Uncle Billy Bob lost 30 pounds on the Seattle Diet!" (I am not sure what the Seattle Diet...
Read MoreMany people experience shoulder problems at some point in life. The shoulder is the most commonly injured area of the body. Here is a little "shoulder strength tip" I learned from a physical therapist years ago. When you pick something up, use a very...
Read MoreFor me, maintaining permanent fitness means "finding my fitness groove." What does that mean exactly? Well, let me explain. Have you ever been hyper-focused on something and achieved what you wanted to accomplish by the deadline? If so, great. But sometimes after a hyper-focused...
Read MoreJust a quick note today to help you "Overcome the Office." One Monday habit I developed while working in an office was grabbing some grocery snacks either on the way to work or on my lunch break. These snacks might include apples, portion-controlled nuts...
Read MoreHere's how it usually goes: Day after day after day..... Bill was a busy CPA working long hours while raising two kids with his wife. One day, he noticed moving boxes and lifting his daughter were difficult. His friends told him "get used to...
Read MoreI was watching tv once and someone said "food eaten after 7 pm turns to fat." It might have been Oprah. Is she right? Well, not exactly but she was right in a way. I have never read anything reliable showing foods eaten at...
Read MoreThis formula has kept my weight steady (within 5-10 pounds) and strength high for about 18 years. Before I got into the fitness field 15 years ago, I often looked for such a formula... with little success. Of course, there was no Google back...
Read MoreLots of our clients come to us with back pain of one sort or the other. Most of the time the problem is muscular-the back has weakened from a combination of sitting and not enough activity. The solution is usually pretty simple: 1. Add in...
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