Low Back Pain from too much sitting behind your desk?
Lots of our clients come to us with back pain of one sort or the other.
Most of the time the problem is muscular-the back has weakened from a combination of sitting and not enough activity.
The solution is usually pretty simple:
1. Add in some low back strengthening exercises like planks and bird dogs;
2. Most of us sit throughout the day. If you can get up and move at least every half hour, your back will benefit and back pain might lessen from this change alone;
3. Try to increase your overall activity level. In addition to working out with us :-), moving more throughout the day can help back health.
I think one of the most overlooked factors in physical and emotional health is our bodies simply don't understand the office environment.
For 99.99% of human history, we spent our days either walking miles in search of food or farming.
For the last .01% (or less), we have worked in offices crouched over desks.
Of course, there are situations where a serious medical issue exists and a doctor should be consulted. In that case, a different approach is needed.
But 80% of the time the three steps above can improve your life within a few weeks.