Individualized Nutrition
Every story, article, etc. we read about nutrition seems to at least imply "there is only one way."
Haven't we all heard a co-worker say: "My Uncle Billy Bob lost 30 pounds on the Seattle Diet!" (I am not sure what the Seattle Diet would be...maybe drink a lot of coffee and run in the rain?)
Whether it is Paleo, Low Fat, Hollywood Diet of the Week or whatever, everyone is promoting their magic cure.
Well, here is something they will rarely tell you:
Different nutritional approaches work better for different people. There is no single perfect diet for everyone.
Here is one example:
I know someone who eats a small piece of chocolate every day, and she says this helps her control her cravings for sweets.
I know other people who say eating chocolate sets off their cravings for sweets.
Who is right?
Of course, neither is right or wrong. One way works for one person, and another works for another.
There are a lot of things in nutrition like this. People often have individualized responses to food.
The first step: Be honest with yourself and figure out what works best for you.
That is the foundation of long-term nutrition success.