Does Food Eaten at Night “Turn into Fat?”
I was watching tv once and someone said "food eaten after 7 pm turns to fat." It might have been Oprah.
Is she right? Well, not exactly but she was right in a way.
I have never read anything reliable showing foods eaten at night magically "turn to fat."
But here is what I have seen:
People tend to make the worst eating choices at night. One study even showed we crave "comfort foods" after dark.
This is usually when the chips, ice cream (no one eats ice cream for breakfast) and other high-calorie snacks get eaten.
This is why I like a "cut-off time" for eating. I use 7pm.
By simply using a cut-off time, I cut out hundreds (or maybe thousands because I like to eat 🙂 of calories each week.
If I am incredibly hungry after 7 pm, I will eat something small since I have a hard time sleeping when I am starving. But about 90% of the time, I don't eat after 7.
If I wake up hungry, that is usually a good sign.
7 pm might not work for everyone.
If you get home from work at 7, 8 might be a better target